White space net box was broken

James Middleton

August 14, 2007

1 Min Read
White space net box was broken

Microsoft has resubmitted its ‘white space’ broadband device to the FCC for testing, claiming that the original, which failed the test, was broken.

Last week, a collaboration of tech firms headed up by Google, Intel, HP, Microsoft and Dell, and known as the White Space Coalition, submitted a gadget that can be used to receive a high speed web service on spectrum locations between channels, without interference to television.

The platform could be used to deliver wireless broadband services using the so called ‘white space’ that separates TV and radio channels from one another.

However, the prototype gadget failed the FCC’s tests and caused interference on the TV channels. But Microsoft claims that the device was defective, which led to the poor results.

The coalition has now submitted an identical device to the FCC for re-testing.

But the National Association of Broadcasters, a trade association that advocates on behalf of the US’ free, local radio and television stations, released a statement criticising the whole white space broadband idea.

“The FCC performed rigorous tests on the Microsoft devices, and we are confident that its finding that these devices cause interference to television reception is accurate,” said the organisation.

“Nearly a decade ago, broadcasters and government launched the historic public-private partnership that is bringing the next generation of television to American consumers. Now that the DTV transition is near completion, up steps Microsoft and its allies to jeopardize all that has been accomplished. By continuing to press its self-serving agenda, Microsoft is playing Russian Roulette with America’s access to interference free TV reception.”

About the Author(s)

James Middleton

James Middleton is managing editor of telecoms.com | Follow him @telecomsjames

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