Yahoo launches web browser

Yahoo has launched a web browser for iPhones, iPads and desktop PCs. Axis aims to improve how people search and browse the web, and according to Yahoo, offers the only search experience that allows users to enter their search and see and interact with visual results, without leaving the page they are on.

Dawinderpal Sahota

May 24, 2012

1 Min Read
Yahoo launches web browser
Yahoo has launched Axis, a web browser for iPhones, iPads and desktop PCs.

Yahoo has launched a web browser for iPhones, iPads and desktop PCs.  Axis aims to improve how people search and browse the web, and according to Yahoo, offers a search experience that allows users to enter their search and see and interact with visual results, without leaving the page they are on.

Axis is currently downloadable only for iOS devices and as a desktop plug-in for HTML5-enabled browsers.

“Our search strategy is predicated on two core beliefs: one, that people want answers, not links and two, that consumer-facing search is ripe for innovative disruption,” said Shashi Seth, senior vice president, Connections, Yahoo.

“With Axis, we have re-defined and re-architected the search and browse experience from the ground up.”

Yahoo said that Axis gives users instant answers and visual previews in a way that keeps people moving forward rather than “constantly returning to a page of endless blue links”. Once on a search results site, Axis lets people simply swipe or click to the next result.

It also allows users to move seamlessly across devices. Upon downloading Axis, people can start a search on their computer, flip through the results while out on their iPhone, and finish the search at home on their iPad.

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