Ready, Set, Automate: Delivering 5G services in the hyper-convergence era

March 15, 2023

Wi Fi wireless network thin line symbol
Wi Fi network symbol. Mobile gadgets 5G technology relative image.

Date: Apr 13, 2023

Sponsored by Intel, Red Hat


Date: Thursday April 13th, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern

For telecommunications service providers, introducing new services and experiences faster is essential for revenue growth. This can be particularly challenging for service providers with multiple access technologies looking to converge mobile, fixed, and cable into a single network. Today, more recent technologies like cloud-native network functions, microservices, and Kubernetes, along with methodologies like agile and DevOps, provide the speed, agility, and scalability needed to add services quickly and efficiently while centrally managing and orchestrating resources. Bringing mobile, fixed, and cable into a single network, built upon a flexible infrastructure, enables providers to deliver services beyond the data center borders.

In this joint presentation and demo, Casa Systems, Red Hat and Intel will discuss the evolution and convergence of multiple access technologies to the 5G core and 5G MPN network and explain the key customer trends and best practices that are taking providers to the edge and beyond.

Intel, Red Hat, and Casa Systems will also demonstrate how service providers can automate, deploy, manage, and monitor an open end-to-end integrated mobile architecture that delivers the network core components service providers need to deploy quickly and scale like the hyperscalers.


Jennifer Clark – Principal Analyst – Cloud Infrastructure and Edge Computing, Heavy Reading
Hanen Garcia – Global Telco Solutions Manager, Red Hat
Bhupesh Agrawal – Director of Private Networks and Edge Computing, Intel
Chris Berluti – Director of Product Management, Cloud Native 4G/5G Core and Mobile Private Network, Casa Systems
Rakshit Mehta – Industry Business Development Leader, Global Telecom Industry at IBM, IBM Industry Academy Member, IBM

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