Sweden: hammer falls on 2.6GHz auctionSweden: hammer falls on 2.6GHz auction
May 9, 2008
After 112 bidding rounds over 16 days, the auction of 2.6GHz spectrum in Sweden has came to a close, raising SEK2.1bn ($350m).
Intel Capital Corporation was among the five licence winners, acquiring 50MHz (TDD) spectrum for SEK159.2m ($26.5m).
According to local press reports, Intel is looking for partners to build and operate a WiMAX network. Intel says it will rent out the licence to its partners rather than sell it.
The other winners for 2.6GHz spectrum (which is technology and service neutral) each acquired FDD allocations: H3G Access (2x10MHz), Tele2 (2x20MHz), Telenor (2x20MHz) and TeliaSonera Mobile Networks (2x20MHz).
TeliaSonera paid the most for its licence ($93m) while Intel paid the least. H3G Access, with only 20MHz of spectrum, paid $49m.
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