Fiona Hall, Waitrose

We found three categories of mobile users: People who don’t get it; people warming to it; then people who cannot do without it. They have very different needs but also some common ground.

James Middleton

August 10, 2011

1 Min Read
Fiona Hall, Waitrose
Fiona Hall, Innovation manager, Waitrose

We very much wanted to understand the role of mobile prior to establishing a strategy, so we commissioned customer research into mobile to better understand users and their shopping behaviour and found a focus on m-commerce, in-store recipes and content.

We also found three categories of mobile users: People who don’t get it; people warming to it; then people who cannot do without it. They have very different needs but also some common ground. So in July last year we launched a mobile site and an app focusing on recipes and branch information offers on the iPhone and Android. We also allowed customers to interact with the main campaign, which focused on a TV ad featuring a QR code used throughout the campaign.

One in three scans of the QR code resulted in download of the app and we had half a million downloads, which contributed to one of most successful years ever. Apps are definitely part of our strategy going forward and now we see our customers are hungry for e-commerce too.


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James Middleton

James Middleton is managing editor of | Follow him @telecomsjames

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