Samsung finishes week with a bang after yet another fire

Just when you thought it was safe to put your Samsung smartphone back in your pocket, another fire story breaks out.

Jamie Davies

February 9, 2017

2 Min Read
Samsung finishes week with a bang after yet another fire

Just when you thought it was safe to put your Samsung smartphone back in your pocket, another fire story breaks out.

This time the fire took place at Samsung SDI’s factory in China, a company which supplies batteries to the accident prone Galaxy Note 7, according to Bloomberg. Photos circulated on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, showing smoke billowing out of the top of the factory, but the blaze was under control in a short period of time.

A spokesperson was quick to note the incident did not affect production, because we were all really worried that the supply of potentially flammable batteries was potentially going to be short. With Valentine’s Day around the corner there must be hundreds, if not thousands, of dog-house ridden husbands who are trying to get back into the good books by buying their partners a potentially lethal Galaxy Note 7. Now that is getting bang for your buck.

Since the fire started, and was extinguished, another row has erupted from the flames, namely, the cause of the inferno. Mashable has reported that fire personnel blame the firestorm on batteries that were on the production line, while Samsung has pinned the blaze on a faulty unit which had already been disposed of. Irrelevant of the truth, the red-hot debate rages on.

Elsewhere in the Samsung world, the team has reportedly trademarked a new Samsung Hello service, which would appear to be a new AI component of its new smartphone. Details are relatively slim, though the patent says Hello will provide ‘personalized features and information based on user’s preferences in the fields of weather, music, entertainment, games, travel, science, health, contact, and social news via voice command and voice recognition’.

Maybe Samsung is now taking safety more seriously. The battery may, or may not, catch fire, but the inclusion of an AI assistant will allow the phone to tell you when sh*t is about to get real.


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