Samsung unveils cross platform messaging app

South Korean handset manufacturer Samsung aims to build on the success of over the top messaging apps, with the release of its own cross platform service, ChatOn.

James Middleton

August 30, 2011

1 Min Read
Samsung unveils cross platform messaging app
AT&T has teamed up with IBM to help businesses develop more network efficient smartphone apps

South Korean handset manufacturer Samsung aims to build on the success of over the top messaging apps, with the release of its own cross platform service, ChatOn.

Similar to RIM’s BlackBerry Messenger and Apple’s forthcoming iMessage service, while initially only available on Samsung’s Bada platform and Android devices, ChatOn will also be made available for the BlackBerry and the iPhone.

The move may find some success in Samsung’s domestic market as South Korea is also the home country of Kakao Talk, another popular cross-platform OTT application.

Samsung said that ChatON will be available in about 120 countries, and in about 62 languages.

“While the service is initially seen as a boost to Bada, it will be rapidly extended to other systems and devices, after it goes live next month in more than 120 countries and in 62 languages. This is Samsung’s strength, as it used to be Nokia’s – the ability to execute massive global roll-outs, and to support localized content and language, in contrast to the English-focused efforts of smartphone specialists,” said Rethink analyst Caroline Gabriel.

“After the first wave of launches, Samsung will also create a separate version for smartphones, with additional capabilities such as interaction rankings, animated messages and a ‘trunk’ for content sharing, and plans apps specifically for netbooks and tablets, in addition to the PC web platform,” Gabriel said.

About the Author(s)

James Middleton

James Middleton is managing editor of | Follow him @telecomsjames

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